Category Archives: SiccA Sounds
Sparkii Ski (aka Da SiccaViccA)
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Welcome To My World
Sicca Gb Blofeld Presets (UPDATE 1.2)
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IMPORTANT UPDATE Due to a minor “file error” in the first release, here is an updated file for the “Sicca Gb Blofeld Presets“. (For Downloads Before 26/5/20)
DR-55 & DR-100 by BOSS
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This 1 is really special to me, as the DR-55 Is the machine that I first learnt how to program way way back in 1980 as a 12yr old East London kid crazy about electronic music.. This thing blow my mind and was lucky enough to have a slightly older brother who was very advancedContinue reading “DR-55 & DR-100 by BOSS”
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NORD DRUM (Drum Synth) I was aware of this companies iconic Keyboards and other gear (including the “Ddrum“), so the moment I heard they made dedicated Drum Synth I was curious ..once i heard it I loved it and finally got mine a few yrs back 2nd hand .. It has its own sound ..veryContinue reading “NORD DRUM”
The CLAPPER by neXt
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CLAPPER (HAND CLAP SYNTH/PEDAL) by neXt For so many years I’ve listened to old “Funk & Electronic Music” and was always drawn to the large variation of “Handclap Sounds” .. This first go me into making claps from White Noise on an “ROLAND SH09″ synth in the 80s to trying to copy the legendary “ClapContinue reading “The CLAPPER by neXt”
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“the KIT” by M.P.C ELECTRONICS LTD A beautiful well made piece of UK engineering right here from 1981, with early touch sensitive pads (Bd. Sn, Toms x 2, Cym, & Open/Close HH), with separate outputs & controls to alter the sounds + a full selection of tuning pots on the underside . I think theContinue reading “THE KIT by MPC ELECTRONICS”
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Hi Folks, Due to the massive amount of great free user generated Sounds/Tools/Tutorials available for the *DELUGE by SYNTHSTROM AUDIBLE* I felt that I too should also give back to the community in some way . So here Is My first batch of SINGLE HIT Drum SAMPLES organized in KITS and additional SONG files (toContinue reading “SICCAVICCA’S ~DELUGE DRUMZ~”