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Hi Folks,
Due to the massive amount of great free user generated Sounds/Tools/Tutorials available for the *DELUGE by SYNTHSTROM AUDIBLE* I felt that I too should also give back to the community in some way .
So here Is My first batch of SINGLE HIT Drum SAMPLES organized in KITS and additional SONG files (to help you check out each bank quickly & stress free) .
Total 57 kits & over 1000 sounds (331MB)
NORD DRUM (Full Preset Banks) 25 kits (378 sounds)
THE CLAPPER (Hand Clap Synth) 3 kits (41 sounds)
GOLDEN ERA DRUMS (A Selection of great Hiphop Drum Hits Sampled From Vinyl)
8 kits (128 sounds)
SICCA BREAKS (3 folders of Breaks ~90bpm/90-100bpm/+100bpm) 173 breaks
BONUS CONTENTS (Sounds I Found Online & Formatted For The Deluge)
MICRO FREAK DRUMS (7 kits /147 sounds)
BLOFELD DRUMS (4 kits / 67 sounds)
SP1200 DRUMS (4 kits / 64 sounds)
TAPE DP50 DRUMS (4 kits / 74 sounds)
TAPETONIC DRUMS (2 kits / 22 sounds)
8 kits (142 sounds)
12 comments on “SICCAVICCA’S ~DELUGE DRUMZ~”
fantastic collection of samples! very kind of you to do this for us! many thanks!
your all so welcome .. TBH its that type of sharing within the DELUGE community coming from the early hiphop scene it really made me respect those people sharing SO I HAD TO JUMP IN AND SHARE SO of My vast collection for free with you all .. please enjoy , stay intouch .. there will be much much more to come .
This is great, and generous! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks so much for this!
thank you very much! that took some effort collecting all these, very much appreciated.
You are my hero. Thanks! Sending positive vibes your way. 😉
thanks so much
excellent quality and selections!
thanks for taking the time to make these.
Hello good sir
I’ve downloaded the goods that you have shared with the community..
I need pointers on how to successfully get them on the card (properly). Hopefully this message finds you in high spirits… Thank you kindly
Thank you very much
Wow, super generous of you! The least we can do is make great music with these!