The CLAPPER by neXt
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For so many years I’ve listened to old “Funk & Electronic Music” and was always drawn to the large variation of “Handclap Sounds” .. This first go me into making claps from White Noise on an “ROLAND SH09″ synth in the 80s to trying to copy the legendary “Clap Trap” type sound & finally to collecting Vintage Drum Synths & modifying Analogue Drum Machines. So when i saw this popup for sale online few years back i had to buy it.
“The CLAPPER” is a simple poor mans handclap machine BUT its got a great tone and with use of the builtin “reverb” control there is such a wide variety of possible sounds can be created with this little box. The strange thing is that I had not heard anything about the company “neXt” before i brought it and have not been able to find out anything on them other than i think they make guitar pedals since I got it. So I decided to post a few pictures & some “FREE CLAPPER SAMPLES” below .